Need help with the recruitment process?
Filmed reports can help you in the recruitment process. Companies that are growing fast or often employ loose or temporary workers are more likely to receive job applicants. Of course there is always the personal interview, but apart from that you want to give a good picture of your company. What does the company do? How has it grown? Why do people want to work there? It would be nice to let the most enthusiastic employees speak over and over again.
Workshop Sharing Stories
clearXperts has the people on board to offer temporary or long-term reinforcement to companies that can use experts in the field of H.R., finance and sales & marketing. The young graduates of clearXperts enjoyed the workshop 'Sharing Stories'. Learning to tell stories with images. Filmed with your own smartphone. Toon incorporated this into an event that took place partly in the kitchen of restaurant Elckerlijc. World barbecue champion Peter De Clercq taught the skills of grilling.
Filming and grilling, it's not because it's pleasant that it can't be useful.
More about Sharing Stories?